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Back To School Tips

It’s that time of year again – families are starting to get ready for summer to end and school to begin. On the latest episode of the Conversations with KidsPeace podcast, we talk with Adrienne Pauling and Michelle Callahan from KidsPeace’s Pennsylvania community programs on what parents can do to help their kids better manage the transition back to school.  Bob Martin hosts.

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Adrienne and Michelle’s Six Back-to-School Tips for Parents:

  1. Develop a sleep routine. Start kids going to bed earlier and earlier each night until they have worked up to their typical school sleeping times.
  2. Have the kids eat a balanced diet. During school, kids won’t have access to snacks and sugary things that they typically may have access to during the day at home. 
  3. Cut back on “Screen Time.” Setting boundaries with video games, TV, tablets, etc., will help prepare kids for the school routine.
  4. Help them get organized. Have supplies ready prior to the first day of school.  Follow the suggested list that many school districts put out so that your child does not have to feel anxious or worried that they do not have what they need.
  5. Empathize!! Kids need to feel supported and encouraged, no matter how trivial their concerns/fears may seem.  Knowing that their parent/caregiver is there for them and willing to listen is so important during this often difficult transition. 
  6. Stay involved! Know your child’s teachers, daily schedule, etc.  Take advantage of apps and websites that schools provide to keep you “in the know” of what is expected of your child daily.

Podcast Audio